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August 31, 2020

10 Ways to be an Affordable Housing Voter Right Now!

By Ryan Carter

This year’s election will be a big and unusual one. To keep affordable housing at the top of our community’s agenda, we need YOUR help! As political campaigns evolve, there is still a lot we can do to educate candidates, community members and voters to keep hammering away at affordable housing.

  1. Vote YES for housing bonds! The severe demand for affordable housing requires a lot of money. Smart allocation of these funds enables our community to finance the varying aspects of affordable housing development.
  2. Let candidates know affordable housing is important to you. As a voter your perspective is the most important one. Let candidates know this is something you went them to work on.
  3. Ask candidates questions!
    • When in office, what will you do to support affordable housing?
    • What housing issues are important to you, and how will you work on with other levels of government to solve these issues?
    • How does affordable housing relate to the rest of your platform?
    • What role can affordable housing play to increase racial equity and address the racial wealth gap in housing?

At the state-level, suggest the following to candidates…

  1. Appropriate state funds to prevent COVID-19 related foreclosures.
  2. Update and enhance Homestead Exemptions for Seniors, Veterans, and individuals with disabilities.
  3. Institute a state Earned Income Tax Credit.

In Mecklenburg County, press officials to…

  1. Support for funding for Critical Home Repair as a step towards preventing homelessness and senior displacement.
  2. Make sure the property tax burden is equitably felt throughout the county.
  3. Assess tools at the county’s disposal that can help with the housing crisis, such as its housing code, then leverage these tools.
  4. Consider creative uses for county owned land that include affordable housing solutions.

Learn more about affording housing in the Charlotte region:

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