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Money Matters Partners and Pathways Program

Habitat for Humanity of the Charlotte Region is proud to introduce the new Money Matters Financial Literacy Education Program – Partners and Pathways.

We believe that financial stability is the key to building stronger communities and brighter futures. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our new education pathways: Financial Empowerment, Financial Wellness, and Financial Coaching. Together, they form the Partners and Pathways program.

Financial Empowerment

Financial Empowerment

Our Financial Empowerment pathway provides you with the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to make informed financial decisions. From budgeting and saving to understanding credit and debt management, our workshops and partner resources empower you to take charge of your financial future.

Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness

For those facing challenges with outstanding and delinquent debt, our Financial Wellness pathway is here to support you. Through referrals to our trusted partners and experienced credit counselors, we help you develop personalized strategies to regain control of your finances. From managing debt to maximizing your income, our pathway guides you towards a brighter financial future.

Financial Coaching

Financial Coaching

Our Financial Coaching pathway is tailored to help you navigate the financial aspects of your current situation. Even if you meet our prescreening requirements, you may still require basic financial coaching to prepare for the expenses surrounding homeownership. Our partners and financial coaches will work with you to develop a personalized plan, ensuring you have the knowledge and confidence to succeed as a homeowner.

money matters partners and pathways information

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