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October 18, 2019

Leaving a Legacy

By Jane Weaver, Director of Leadership Gifts

As Jud Gee became a successful businessman, he was reminded of what Grandma Gee, his loving mentor, told him when he was a young boy. He must remember to give back to his community, not just with monetary donations, but by volunteering as well.

Jud never forgot her words and decided that supporting Habitat Charlotte and its vital mission would be his calling. Over the years he helped build homes, became a board member and donated to the organization through his foundation.

Recently, he and his wife decided to include Habitat Charlotte in their estate plan. They wanted to ensure that future generations would benefit from their generosity.

They joined Habitat Charlotte’s Generations Society and felt comfort knowing their thoughtfulness today would enhance the lives of generations to come.

Like Jud, you’ve probably supported Habitat Charlotte for years. You’re committed to the mission and would like to include the organization in your legacy plans, but always thought it would be too complicated and expensive. Or maybe you thought that you needed to own a castle in Europe to be worthy of an estate plan.

Not true! Habitat Charlotte has partnered with an organization called FreeWill to make legacy planning easy.

Jud Gee (right) with his Grandma Gee (left) on his wedding day.

What is FreeWill?

FreeWill is an award-winning social venture that makes estate planning easy and it’s totally free. FreeWill is passionate about helping you improve lives for generations to come.

To date, people have used FreeWill to commit more than $750,000,000 to nonprofit organizations. And now, Habitat Charlotte is one of those organizations!

If you believe, like Jud Gee, that future generations can benefit from your generosity, try FreeWill for yourself. It takes just 20 minutes to create your will. And once you do, you too will be a member of our Generations Society, a group dedicated to improving lives today and tomorrow.

Click the button below to get started! And thank you for continuing to believe in the mission of Habitat Charlotte and the families that now enjoy the safety and stability of home.

Get Started Now

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